Smart Home Prototype with HC–05 Bluetooth and RFID Modules, Based on Microcontroller
Android, Bluetooth hc-05, Keypad Number, MIT App Inventor, RFID, Smarthome
How is the performance of the Arduino Uno in processing smart home creation, as well as the implementation of the results of its classification into Android. This design uses various sensors, RFID for smart door locks and Bluetooth HC-05 for lights and fans. The benefit of making this prototype is to make it easier to turn on the lights and fans so you don't have to bother looking for light sockets or fans. Smart door lock using RFID is a technology used to identify opening doors. This design uses the Arduino Uno R3 device. This device can be remote with Android. The android application uses the MIT App Inventor software. This smart home design can make it easier for users to carry out activities at home where previously they could turn on and off the lights and fans in the living room, still manually by pressing the socket, now they can turn it on with a smart phone connected to the Bluetooth module via an application. Utilize Google's help on Android smartphones to control lights and fans using voice commands. In addition, the author also designed a smart door lock using RFID and matrix keypad, which previously opened and closed the door with a key, now only by attaching an RFID card or pressing a pin to open the door.
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