Android-Based Musical Instrument Recognition Application For Vocational High School Level


    Yusuf Kurnia( 1 ) Toga Parlindungan Silaen( 2 )

    (1) Universitas Buddhi Dharma
    (2) Universitas Buddhi Dharma



Application, Musical Instrument, Chords, Android-Based, Learning


With the old way of learning and methods, Vocational High School students will be bored, especially in the field of Arts and Culture, which on average are considered difficult and not liked by most students. Therefore, it is necessary to make other learning media based on Android so that learning becomes more interesting and enjoyable. In addition, with this learning media, it is hoped that it can help children's creativity and thinking power, because it is equipped with several important components that can hone children's imaginative power such as pictures, videos in the material provided. Therefore, the authors design and create an application about interactive learning media that includes these components. This application will be aimed at the Vocational High School level with the title "Android-Based Musical Instrument Recognition Application for Vocational High School Level". Therefore, research was conducted at the Vocational High School level. Users want attractive images of each musical instrument such as guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, have video links, there are questions in the application, a menu in the form of icons, and attractive colors. After designing, manufacturing, and testing this application, several conclusions can be drawn. First, with this application, Vocational High School students can easily learn musical instruments in different ways. In addition, with this learning method, students become enthusiastic and learning becomes fun in studying cultural arts lessons in the field of musical instruments, especially musical instrument techniques and chords of musical instruments. Second, this application is able to hone the cognitive abilities of students because in this application there are practice questions, the questions are integrated with the material provided, so that students can easily practice their abilities through the practice questions available in this application. Third, and lastly, according to the author, this application is lacking in terms of animation in the application that was made late. Hopefully this application can be a learning material for students who want to take a Thesis with a title related to learning musical instruments. The author really expects criticism and suggestions because this design system still has many shortcomings


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How to Cite

Y. Kurnia and T. P. Silaen, “Android-Based Musical Instrument Recognition Application For Vocational High School Level”, bit-Tech, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 47–55, Dec. 2021.



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