Journal Published by Komunitas Dosen Indonesia :


  • bit-Tech

    Journal title Journal Binary Digital - Technology
    Initials Bit-Tech
    Abbreviation J. Bit-Tech
    Frequency Three times a year (April, August, December)
    DOI 10.32877/bt
    Print ISSN 2622-271X
    Online ISSN 2622-2728
    Acceptance Rate 57%
    Publisher Komunitas Dosen Indonesia 
    Language English, Indonesia

    Journal of Binary Digital - Technology (Bit-Tech) published by the Indonesian Lecturer Community.

    We publish original research papers, review articles, and case studies focused on eBusiness, IT Governance, Datamining, IoT (Internet of Thing), Cloud Computing and Decision Support Systems (Bussiness Intelligent) and Informatics related topics. All papers are peer reviewed by at least two referees.
    P-ISSN : 2622-271X E-ISSN : 2622-271X

    Bit-Tech was first published in 2018. Since then, Bit-Tech strives to receive quality articles for publication. Therefore, starting in 2022 Bit-Tech is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia witch is Four Grade (Sinta 4) rating from 2023 to 2027 based on Decree No. 177/E/KPT/2024.

    Submission Timelines

    3 Days 5 Days 30 Days 5 Days
    Time to First Decision Review Time Submission to Acceptance Acceptance to Publication
  • eCo-Buss

    SINTA 5
    Focus on the development of economic sciences especially Management and Business, both scientific and practical review, so it is expected to become a scientific medium for the creation of integration between theoretical studies and practical studies for the development of economic science in various social aspects. 

    Submission Timelines

    3 Days 5 Days 30 Days 5 Days
    Time to First Decision Review Time Submission to Acceptance Acceptance to Publication

    About Journal

  • eCo-Fin

    SINTA 5
    Focus on the development of economic sciences especially Finance and Accounting, both scientific and practical review, so it is expected to become a scientific medium for the creation of integration between theoretical studies and practical studies for the development of economic science in various social aspects.

    Submission Timelines

    3 Days 5 Days 30 Days 5 Days
    Time to First Decision Review Time Submission to Acceptance Acceptance to Publication

    About Journal

  • NEAR: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

    SINTA 5
    Focus on the development of economic sciences especially Management and Business, both scientific and practical review, so it is expected to become a scientific medium for the creation of integration between theoretical studies and practical studies for the development of economic science in various social aspects. 

    Submission Timelines

    3 Days 5 Days 30 Days 5 Days
    Time to First Decision Review Time Submission to Acceptance Acceptance to Publication

    About Journal