Open Access Policy

The eCo-Buss Journal, managed by the Indonesian Faculty Community, adopts an Open Access policy for all published articles. This policy is based on the principle that research and scholarly work should be freely accessible to everyone without barriers. Below are the details of our Open Access policy:

  1. Free and Universal Access
    All articles published in the Eco-Buss Journal are available for free and can be accessed by anyone without any cost. This includes access to reading, downloading, copying, distributing, printing, searching, or linking to the full texts of these articles.

  2. Copyright and Licensing
    Authors retain the copyright to their articles. The Eco-Buss Journal uses a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as appropriate credit is given to the original authors.

  3. Archiving and Preservation 
    To ensure the long-term accessibility of articles, the Eco-Buss Journal archives its content in trusted digital repositories and ensures that all articles have a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to facilitate tracking and citation.

  4. Funding and Article Processing Charges
    To support this Open Access policy, the Eco-Buss Journal charges an Article Processing Charge (APC) to authors or their institutions. This APC covers the costs of managing the journal, including the peer review process, editing, and publishing. However, we offer fee waivers for authors from developing countries and those without research funding support.

  5. Transparent Peer Review Process 
    The Eco-Buss Journal is committed to maintaining high-quality standards through a transparent and objective peer review process. Each submitted article undergoes evaluation by at least two independent reviewers to ensure its originality, relevance, and scholarly contribution.

  6. Support for Authors 
    We provide full support for authors throughout the submission and publication process. This includes writing guidelines, technical assistance, and consultation regarding copyright and licensing.

Through this open-access policy, the eCo-Buss Journal aims to enhance the visibility, usage, and impact of published research, as well as support the growth and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of economics and business both in Indonesia and globally.