Analysis And Design Of Online Based Plastic Sales Information System With User Acceptance Testing Method


    Ronal Yap_ronal( 1 ) Rudy Arijanto( 2 )

    (1) Buddhi dharma
    (2) Buddhi Dharma University



Blackbox Testing , E-Commerce, Plastics, Sales Information System, User Acceptance Testing


The purpose of this research is to design applications that can be directly used by customers to help speed up the selection
of plastic products according to the criteria and desires of customers and to expand the sales area of plastic shops that
have not been reached. The method used in this study is UAT is one of the most innovative methodologies to prevent
IT project failure. The UAT process begins by providing documentation of business requirements, then continues with
business processes (workflows) or scenarios and finally tests using data. Effectiveness in testing is needed in the
development of an application or information system so that the product can arrive at the user on time and according to
the user's needs. Tests carried out on the built system are divided into two mechanism tests, namely alpha testing using
the black box method and beta testing using a Likert scale. The results obtained from this research are that this ecommerce website can be used directly by customers to help speed up the selection of rice products according to the
criteria and wishes of customers, this online sales website is also very helpful in marketing plastic products in a wide area
coverage and test results with user acceptance testing getting an average result of 94.67% it can be concluded that ECommerce is made for UD customers. Various Plastics are in accordance with user needs.


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How to Cite

R. Yap_ronal and R. Arijanto, “Analysis And Design Of Online Based Plastic Sales Information System With User Acceptance Testing Method”, bit-Tech, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 8–15, Aug. 2023.



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