Business Intelligent Method For Academic Dashboard


    Niki Destiandi( 1 ) Aditiya Hermawan( 2 )

    (1) Universitas Buddhi Dharma
    (2) Universitas Buddhi Dharma



Business Intelligent, Academic Dasboard, KPI, Business Intelligent Life Cycle


Business Intelligence Lifecycle is a method for developing effective business intelligence (BI) decision support applications such as the Academic Dashboard. There are six steps in the BI life cycle from the beginning to implementation such as Justification, Planning, Business Analysis, Design, Construction, and Deployment, where each step is developed to be more detailed in accordance with BI's environmental needs (L. T. Moss). Management of tertiary institutions in Indonesia requires appropriate and fast academic reports that make it possible to make strategic decisions and in order to improve the quality of education. Academic evaluations can be presented with the dashboard being easy for decision making. The dashboard is a page that displays graphics as a KPI from an organization and provides everything needed to make key research results [4]. Problems that occur there are a lot of academic data that is stored but when turning it into a report at the time of evaluation academic activities are difficult and require a long time and require monitoring, evaluation and measurement tools that can measure the performance of universities. The Business Intelligence Lifecycle can be used to provide information to produce high resolution by adding KPI components.


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How to Cite

N. Destiandi and A. Hermawan, “Business Intelligent Method For Academic Dashboard”, bit-Tech, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 55–64, Dec. 2018.
Abstract views: 1210 / PDF downloads: 583

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