From Click to Buy: Enhancing User Experience on The Whoosh Mobile App for High-Speed Rail Booking


    Nopri Santi( 1 ) Nisrina Nur Buana( 2 ) Esa Kurniawan( 3 )

    (1) University of LIA
    (2) University of LIA
    (3) University of LIA



CSI, High-speed Rail, Mobile App, User Experience, Whoosh


The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway has revolutionized transportation in Indonesia, offering a modern and efficient travel experience. To encourage the utilization of this service, enhancing the user experience (UX) of online ticket booking applications, such as Whoosh, is crucial. The scope of this study is limited to the core functionalities of account registration, login, and booking, up until the issuance of the electronic ticket. This study evaluates user satisfaction through qualitative analysis of user reviews from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and quantitative analysis of user ratings and download numbers. Using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) methodology, the study identifies a CSI score of 24.85%, which indicates significant dissatisfaction among users. The primary issues include failures during login and registration processes, unclear navigation during booking, the lack of an invoice or receipt printing feature, and the absence of a support center throughout the application. To address these pain points, textual recommendations are proposed, including the implementation of one-tap login, a Help Center feature, enhanced carriage selection visibility, and a “Send Receipt” button on the payment page. These improvements aim to simplify interactions, provide intuitive navigation, and enhance support systems, ultimately promoting greater user satisfaction and adoption of high-speed rail services. This research contributes actionable insights for improving digital ticketing solutions and highlights the importance of continuous user feedback to drive further enhancements.


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How to Cite

N. Santi, N. N. Buana, and E. Kurniawan, “From Click to Buy: Enhancing User Experience on The Whoosh Mobile App for High-Speed Rail Booking”, bit-Tech, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 581–588, Dec. 2024.



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