Designing A Mobile Web-Based Culinary Tourism of Information System in Pringsewu District


    Eka Ridhawati( 1 ) Reni Astika( 2 ) Yuri Fitrian( 3 )

    (1) Institut Bakti Nusantara Lampung
    (2) Institut Bakti Nusantara Lampung
    (3) ITBA DCC Lampung



Culinary, Information System, Mobile Web Based, Tourism, Waterfall Model


The rapid growth of information technology has significantly impacted various aspects of human life, offering immense importance and assistance in daily tasks. Information technology, with its swift and easy access to information, time and cost efficiency, and enhanced communication, has become an invaluable tool in numerous fields. In the culinary industry, leveraging information technology can elevate service quality, making operations more effective and efficient. This study focuses on the development of an information system for Nggruput Culinary Tourism in Pringsewu District. The research methodology adopufated for this project follows the waterfall model, ensuring a systematic and well-organized approach to the development of the Nggruput Culinary tourism information system. The implementation of this system is designed as a mobile web application, providing visitors with easy access to pertinent information about Nggruput Culinary Tourism. This mobile web-based approach aims to streamline marketing efforts for businesses and enhance public accessibility to comprehensive information about Nggruput Pringsewu Culinary. By employing a mobile web platform, the information system promises to offer a user-friendly interface for both businesses and the public, fostering efficient communication and interaction. The anticipated outcome is an improved marketing strategy for Nggruput Culinary Tourism, providing businesses with a competitive edge while ensuring that the public receives detailed and easily accessible information. This integration of information technology is poised to contribute positively to the advancement and effectiveness of Nggruput Culinary Tourism in Pringsewu District.


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literature study explains that activity research carried out use technique collection information and data with contribution many kinds of tool support available in the library like book reference , results study similar to what has been done previous , articles , notes , as well as various the journal concerned with the problem you want resolved . In terms of This study use 2 (two) things data sources , namely : 1) Primary data sources are original data collected by researchers themselves For answer problem his research in a way special like the original data related Culinary Nggeuput Pringsewu . 2) Secondary data sources is what has been processed more carry on become forms into tables, graphs , diagrams, pictures , and so on so that more informative by others. Object of research This done on tour culinary snacks Hanging out Pringsewu on the moon February – May 2023 .

The system development method used in this research is the waterfall development model. According to Sanubari (2020), the waterfall method or what is usually called the waterfall method is often called the classic life cycle , where it describes a systematic and sequential approach to software development, starting with the specification of user needs and then continuing through the stages. -planning , modeling , construction stages . as well as delivery of the system to customers/users ( deployment ), which ends with support for the complete software produced. Stages method waterfalls can seen in the image below This :

Fig. 1 Waterfall Method

In development method waterfalls own a number of sequential stages _ namely : requirements ( analysis needs ), design system ( design system ) , Coding & Testing , Implementation of maintenance programs Stages stages from method waterfall is as following :


Stage This developer system required purposeful communication _ For understand device user expected software and limitations _ _ device soft the Information This usually can obtained through interview discussion or survey direct Information analysis For get the data needed by the user .


The requirements specifications from the previous phase will be studied in this phase and a system design is prepared. System Design helps in determining hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining the overall system architecture.


In this stage, the system is first developed in small programs called units, which are integrated in subsequent stages. Each unit is developed and tested for functionality which is referred to as unit testing.


All units developed in the implementation phase are integrated into the system after testing carried out by each unit. After integration the entire system is tested to check for any failures or errors.


Stage end in the waterfall model . Ready-made software. operated and maintained. Maintenance includes correcting errors that were not found in previous steps. Improved implementation of system units and increased system services as new requirements.


In every systems created by humans _ besides own advantages and disadvantages , the system also has impact or the risks posed when system That applied . The Nggruput Pringsewu Culinary Information System Based on Mobile Web is the most popular at the moment but the risk that occurs in levels of society that don't know the internet and can't use the internet , then this Information System will not work. The risks of the system currently being created include, to open a Mobile Web Based Nggruput Pringsewu Culinary Information System , you need a computer or mobile phone device that is connected to the internet, the public will not be able to access this Mobile Web Based Nggruput Pringsewu Culinary Information System if the public We didn't teach you how to use the Nggruput Pringsewu Culinary Information System Based on Mobile Web .

The design stage aims to meet the needs of system users regarding a clear picture of the system design that will be created and implemented using Context Diagrams , Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), Use Case Diagrams , Data Dictionary

Context Diagram

A context diagram is a diagram that consists of a process and describes the scope of a system. The context diagram is the highest level of the DFD which describes all input to the system or output from the system. He will give description about overall system .

Fig. 2 Context Diagram

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a method used to describe systems contextually by emphasizing interactions between the system and external entities. DFD is designed to show the breakdown of a system into smaller sub-system parts and highlight the flow of data between these entities. This diagram can be developed to provide a more detailed picture and show the models contained in it. In the context of an information system that is not explained further, there is a DFD that describes the structure and flow of data in the system. The DFDs in this information system are as follows:

DFD Level-0

Data Flow Diagram Level 0 is description from the context diagram still there is various processes or activity inside it . Data Flow Diagram Level 0 contained in the System Information Culinary Hanging out Pringsewu Mobile Web Based can seen in the picture following :

Fig. 3 DFD Level 0

DFD Level-1

Data Flow Diagram Level 1 is description from diagram m level 0 which is still there is various processes or activity inside it . Level 1 Data Flow Diagram contained in the Application System Information Culinary Hanging out Pringsewu Mobile Web Based can seen in the picture following :

Fig. 4 DFD Level 1

Data Dictionary (Data Dictionary)

With a data dictionary, system analysts can define the data flowing in the system completely. At the system analysis stage, the data dictionary is used as a communication tool between system analysts and system users about data flowing into the system, namely about data entering the system and about information needed by system users. At the system design stage, a data dictionary is used to design input and databases. The data dictionary is created based on the data flow in the Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The data flow in DFD is global in nature, only the name of the data flow is shown. Further information about the structure of a data flow in DFD in more detail can be seen in the data dictionary.

Users Table Database Design

Database Name : wp882

Table Name : users



Field Names Data Type Key

Id Bigint(20) Auto_Increment

User_login Varchar(60)

User_pass Varchar(255)

User_nicname Varchar(50)

User_email Varchar(100)

User_registered Datetime

User_activation_key Varchar(255)

User_status Int(11)

Options Table Database Design

Database Name : wp882

Table Name : options



Field Names Data Type Key

Option_id Bigint(20) Auto_Increment

Option_name Varchar(191)

Option_value Longtext

Autoload Varchar(20)

Posts Database Design

Database Name : ftikom

Table Name : posts



Field Names Data Type Key

Id Bigint(20) Auto_Increment

Post_author Bigint(20)

Post_date Datetime

Post_date_gmt Datetime

Post_content Longtext

Post_excerpt Datetime

Post_status Varchar(20)

Comment_status Varchar(20)

Post_name Varchar(200)

Post_modified Datatime

Post_type Varchar(20)

Implementation of the Ngurruput Pringsewu Culinary Tourism Information System

The visitor dashboard page is the first page that users see when accessing the system. The following is the Fig 5.

Fig. 5 Visitor Dashboard page

The food product page is a page used to view available food products. The following is the Fig 6:

Fig. 6 Food Product Page

Beverage product page is a page used to view available beverage products. Following is the Fig 7:

Fig. 7 Beverage Products Page

A review or rating page is a page where visitors can provide reviews or comments on available products. The following is the Fig 8:

Fig. 8 Review/Rating Page

Analysis of System Test Results

Analysis of test results will be carried out by testing the system. The following information system testing uses black box testing by testing the menus in the system. Complete test results can be seen in the table below:



No Test Description Test results Conclusion

Username is filled in as "admin" password is filled in as "admin" then press the "Login" button The application system will accept it, then it will be directed to the home page or dashboard Succeed

Username is filled in as "admin" password is filled in as "password" then press the "Login" button The system refuses and displays a notification “The password you entered for the admin user does not match ” Succeed

Home Menu Displays the visitor's home page Succeed

Product menu food Displays the submission of available food data contents Succeed

Added menu product Displays the add product form when clicked and the data has been successfully entered Succeed

Analysis of System Deficiencies

In this research, identifying the shortcomings of the system, apart from the advantages, this system also has weaknesses. The weaknesses of this system are as follows:

The information system does not yet have a menu for purchasing or include contact details for sellers so that visitors can check whether the product is available or not.

The system is very dependent on the main database because all processed data is the result of the database


Based on the results of research conducted, this system was built using Balsamiq design software, wireframes, also using Visual Studio Code development software and using the waterfall method . Thus producing an information system that provides information related to the snack menu at the Pringsewu Nggruput culinary delights. Make it easier for consumers to get information regarding culinary snacks available at the Pringsewu nggruput. And this nggruput culinary information system makes it easier for sellers to promote it to the wider community.


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How to Cite

E. Ridhawati, R. Astika, and Y. Fitrian, “Designing A Mobile Web-Based Culinary Tourism of Information System in Pringsewu District”, bit-Tech, vol. 6, no. 2, Dec. 2023.



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